DAM Solution for University with Multiple Stakeholders

A university needs a centralized digital asset management system for lecture and faculty research materials, digital archives, and promotional materials used for outreach to donor, alumni communities and the media.

DAM Solution for University with Multiple Stakeholders


The university wants to standardize and save money by using a single DAM, but it is imperative that the files of faculty, University Public Relations and the Development Office not be accessible to users outside those organizations. In the case of faculty research and lectures, asset confidentiality and security is paramount.

Each stakeholder wants complete control over its assets and each has unique metadata needs. Faculty don’t want to see the metadata fields needed by Development, and Public Relations wants to make sure the model contact and other personal information it enters remains private.

Future Expansion

To make digital asset management easily affordable for all departments, the university will invite additional departments to use the system. Each department will be billed according to its use of the system. The DAM must make it easy to add additional stakeholders, without disrupting existing users or requiring downtime.

As use of the system increases, University IT will add computer clusters to distribute the load and ensure performance keeps up with demand.